Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome Back!

Well, we are now in winter 2010. A decade is over, maybe. One thing is for certain, a new school term has begun! Before long we will all be knee deep in homework, studying or grading. I already am. And before long extra credit will start to look really good!

Unfortunately for us, English ivy waits for no one. So we have planned three work parties to attack the invaders head on. First on February 6th we will plant native species at SNAP (Sylvania Natural Area Park). Surprisingly (at least to a New Englander) winter is a good season for planting. The soil is damp, the ground is most often not too frozen, and the park is not overgrown. Winter in western Oregon provides a sweet little opportunity for native plants to take root before the spring and summer encourage the rapid growth & spreading of the invaders (ivy, wisteria, etc). Every year that the habitat team has the opportunity to sneak in some native plants during the winter reprieve, the hold that the alien species have on the park erodes.

Naturally though, whether or not our devious plan is executed is entirely dependent upon the weather. If it rains, we shall still work. In fact rain would be a boon as it ensures the new plantings are properly wet. If it snows however, the party will have to be cancelled.

Our other scheduled work parties of the winter term are on 2/20 and 3/6. These will probably be the more typical restoration work that habitat team does, such as ivy pulls, weeding, and park upkeep.

Some other exciting news is that we may be getting involved with some mapping of the park. And not to be missed is the Hab team's debut on youtube!


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